Advance tired

A friend was recently detailing his planned activities for the day and used the term “advance tired” to explain how he felt about an event he was planning to attend that evening. It so perfectly described how I feel about so many things (and I candidly explained that I would be stealing that line from now on).

Advance tired is the drain one may feel just thinking about something that needs to be done. It’s the emotional fatigue that sets in, even if it’s something you’re looking forward to doing. I instantly related to this term and, as a natural introvert who needs respite after social events, it fit so perfectly. It’s like the precursor to the “introvert hangover” - the anticipation is tiring, the event is fine and then rest is needed.

For those who can relate, I see you. The introvert hangover is absolutely real and I encourage you to take the time you need to recover and go again. I don’t have a solution for the advance tired stage but, hopefully, just acknowledging that it’s a thing will help put perspective around it and keep it in check.

Here’s to doing what you need to do to keep your batteries charged.


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